Blount County Schools - Anonymous Teacher Concerns

Someone wants your feedback! Your suggestion is 100% anonymous. Learn more by reading our privacy policy.

This comment box has been set up by Smoky Mountain PIE (Parents Involved in Education). We realize the idea of an anonymous teacher comment box sounds crazy to most of you. We can assure you that complete anonymity is the goal and is the only way this will work. Based on what we have accomplished so far, we are convinced that if we had known more things ahead of time, we (the parents) could have stepped in to help. What don’t we know that we should know? Where could we make a positive difference if we only knew what to do? The point of this box is to give a voice to the teachers. We can say and do things as a parent that you cannot. We can approach Central Office and the board on your behalf without saying who you are because we won’t know. Your voice needs to be heard. This is not a public forum for people to hang out their dirty laundry. These are comments to our team of parents, and we will do the best job we can to act on the information you are gracious enough to share with us. Final Note: Do not access this website from a school-owned device. You can reach out to us directly at